Feb 15, 2023

Key Takeaways:

  • Not using a filter cartridge can cause dirt and debris accumulation in your pool, making cleaning it challenging.
  • Regular cleaning is essential for keeping your pool in proper working order.
  • Many pool owners guess the chemicals they need or buy too many without understanding their exact purpose.
  • An unclean pool can lead to the growth of harmful microorganisms in the water that could cause health hazards.
  • It is best to always opt for professional services as they’ll ensure that your swimming pool is safe and enjoyable for all who use it.

Between the chemicals and equipment needed to keep the water clean, there’s a lot to keep track of. Unfortunately, many homeowners make common mistakes that can impact the quality of their pool water.

Suppose you are facing trouble with your swimming pool maintenance. In that case, you should hire a pool installation contractor to get the best results. However, to give you a better idea, let’s discuss some of the most frequent mistakes and how you can avoid them.

Frequent Pool Maintenance Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Not Using a Filter Cartridge.

One common mistake that pool owners make is not using a filter cartridge. It can cause dirt and debris to accumulate in your pool, making it challenging to keep it clean. To avoid this mistake, purchase a quality pool filter cartridge and routinely clean or replace it as per the manufacturer’s instructions.

Using The Wrong Chemicals

Using the wrong chemicals can be another pool maintenance problem. Many pool owners guess how many chemicals they need or buy too many without understanding their exact purpose.

The key here is to regularly test your pool water and consult a professional pool installation contractor if you feel unsure about the necessary chemicals.

Neglecting Regular Cleaning

Regular cleaning is essential for keeping your pool in proper working order. It means brushing the pool walls, cleaning the pool filter cartridge, and skimming leaves and debris from the pool surface.

Neglecting regular pool cleaning can lead to cloudy pool water, an imbalance in pool chemistry, and algae growth.

Opting For DIY Pool Maintenance

While it’s possible to perform essential pool maintenance, some technical aspects of proper pool upkeep require a professional.

A professional has access to unique tools and equipment that provide an effective solution without causing further damage to your swimming pool. They also understand how different swimming pools require other maintenance procedures, ensuring they do their job correctly the first time.

Not Cleaning the Pool After Your Pets Have Used It.

You may not realize it, but your pool can become a breeding ground for bacteria if you don’t properly clean it after your furry friends have used it.

The pool’s filtration system is not designed to remove pet dander, debris, and other materials that your pets might leave behind. It can lead to the growth of harmful microorganisms in the pool water that could pose a health hazard.

Adding Chemicals During Hot Weather

When temperatures soar, pool owners may be tempted to add more chlorine or other chemicals than necessary.

However, excessive pool chemicals can damage pool components and the pool’s delicate water balance. This can lead to uncomfortable swimming conditions and even skin irritation for swimmers.

Backwashing The DE Pool Filter Daily

The pool filter cartridge should be backwashed every few weeks in a pool with a DE filter. However, pool owners may be tempted to backwash their pools more frequently to keep them clean.

It’s important to remember that backwashing too often can waste large amounts of water and cost you money in the long run.

Even experienced pool owners can make mistakes when maintaining their pool and its components. Thus, pool owners should always opt for professional swimming pool maintenance from a professional.

Not Wearing a Swimsuit.

Swimming pool owners must always remember to wear a swimsuit while swimming. It is essential for safety reasons and can help keep the pool clean and free from foreign particles such as dirt and debris.

Without wearing a swimsuit, pool owners risk contaminating their pool by uninvited guests or even introducing bacteria or other organisms into the pool.

The Benefits of Keeping Your Pool Maintained.

Lesser Health Risks

Maintaining pool water chemistry and filters is essential for protecting pool users from potential health risks. A pool that’s not adequately maintained runs the risk of harboring bacteria that can be dangerous to those who swim in it.

Lower Maintenance Cost

A pool installation contractor can ensure your pool remains in top condition through pool filter cleaning, swimming pool repair, and chemical treatments. It helps to reduce costs associated with repairs, replacement parts, and energy bills over time.

Cleaner Look

A professional can assist with maintenance and will help keep your pool looking its best all year round. They ensure that your pool remains clean and inviting for all who use it.


Having a pool maintenance contractor help with pool maintenance can significantly reduce the risk of hazardous pool leaks or other safety issues arising from improper pool care. A professional can address any issues before they become a significant problem, drastically reducing the chance of injury or death caused by pool accidents.

Peace Of Mind

Professional pool maintenance gives you peace of mind as you know that your pool is being taken care of correctly and properly according to industry standards.

You won’t have to worry about whether you are doing things right, as a professional has expertise in these matters and can ensure your pool is safe and enjoyable.

Reasons To Avoid DIY Maintenance.

DIY pool maintenance can be a time-consuming and overwhelming task. It also requires specialized knowledge that most pool owners don’t possess.

Not having the appropriate tools or expertise to attempt pool repairs can cause more harm than good. This could lead to costly mistakes and potentially dangerous accidents.

Choose a Professional Pool Installation Contractor

It is always best to hire a pool installation contractor who is qualified and experienced in pool construction, repair, and maintenance.

They understand the importance of proper pool filtration systems, chemicals, and other essential measures for keeping your pool clean and safe.

In addition, they can help you ensure that your pool is up to code and meets all the necessary safety standards. They will also be able to give you advice about pool accessories such as pool covers, pool lights, and pool alarms.

Here’s some more information about pool lighting and how it can improve your relaxation.

All in all, swimming pool maintenance is an important job that should not be taken lightly. Even something as simple as running your pool without a filter cartridge can lead to severe and potentially costly problems, such as water contamination, unbalanced pool chemistry, or even pool damage.

Therefore, it is best to always opt for professional services from a qualified pool contractor. They will have the experience and expertise to ensure that your swimming pool is safe and enjoyable for all who use it.

AsureNet provides professional swimming pool-related services in New Lenox, IL. Get a free estimate today to learn more about our services!