Mar 15, 2023

Key Takeaways:

  1. An inground swimming pool can add beauty and provide endless fun and relaxation. Still, a pool leak can be costly and destructive.
  2. Pool leaks can be detected by listening for running water, monitoring water levels, checking pipes, investigating the ground around the pool, using a pool leak detection kit, or inspecting the pool cover.
  3. To repair pool leaks: patch up cracks and holes; replace pipe connections; check skimmer & waterline; check filter system.
  4. Tips on swimming pool maintenance include cleaning the filter system regularly; checking hoses & pipes for damage; testing pH levels weekly; inspecting the lining of walls frequently.

Do you ever dream of having your little paradise in your backyard? An inground swimming pool can make that happen for you! Not only does a swimming pool add beauty to the ambiance of your place, but it also provides endless fun and relaxation throughout the summer season. Moreover, an inground swimming pool is not just something luxuriously decorative; they also come with many practical benefits.

But one thing that concerns homeowners and makes them have second thoughts about buying a pool is pool leaks. A pool leak can be costly and troublesome to deal with – not to mention destructive. That’s why it’s essential to learn more about the signs of possible damage and professional repair tips that can help you protect your future pool from potential harm.

AsureNet will cover all that and more – so come along on an adventure into the world of pool leaks – detection and repair!

Inground Swimming Pool Leak Detection

Pool leaks can be hard to identify from the surface, but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist. If left avoided, these leaks could result in sinkholes forming, potentially damaging your property. Here are a few ways to detect leaks in a swimming pool.

1. Listen to Running Water

A 16′ x 32′ ft pool holds about 19,200 gallons of water. That’s a lot of water, and it needs to be kept in balance. If you hear running water from your pool, it could signal it leaks. While listening, also try to get near the sound to see if it’s coming from a pipe or a crack in the pool.

2. Monitor Water Levels

Pools constantly don’t have the same water level throughout the day. Water loss can occur from natural processes like evaporation. However, the loss is equal to a quarter of an inch, which is negligible.

But Notice that your water level is dropping but not evaporating unusually quickly. It may be due to an undetected leak. Make sure to check your skimmers and filters for any unusual water seepage, as this can also be an indication of a leak.

3. Check Your Pipes

If you cannot detect any water seepage, check the pipes leading out of your pool. You can use a pressure test to see leaks in the pipe or fittings. Leaks in the pipes will cause a drop in pressure and water loss from your pool.

4. Investigate the Ground Around Your Pool

Check the ground around your pool for any wet patches that don’t disappear after using it. Wet spots on the walls or floors of your pool may also be an indication of a leak. If this is the case, it’s essential to call a professional to repair it as soon as possible before further damage occurs.

5. Use a Pool Leak Detection Kit

Pool leak detection kits are available online or at most pool supply stores. These kits contain a dye that will be added to your pool water which helps you spot any leaks visually. Once you know where the leak is, it’s time to fix it!

6. Inspect Your Pool Cover

Make sure to check the condition of your inground swimming pool cover regularly and inspect it for any tears or holes that may be causing a leak. If there are any signs of wear, then it’s best to replace the cover as soon as possible to avoid further water loss from your pool.

7. Test Your Pumps and Filters

If your pumps and filters aren’t working correctly, they can cause water loss due to inefficient filtering or poor circulation. Check that these systems are working correctly and test them regularly to ensure they’re running optimally.

How to Repair Pool Leaks?

Now that you’ve detected the pool leak, it’s time to repair it. Here are some tips on how to repair your swimming pool leaks:

1. Patching Up Cracks and Holes

Suppose you find any cracks or holes in your inground swimming pool. You should patch them up as soon as possible using a waterproof sealant, such as epoxy or silicone caulk. Ensure the area is dry before attempting to seal it, and ensure the crack isn’t too big for the sealant to cover correctly. Let the sealant be appropriately set before using the pool again.

2. Replacing Pipe Connections

If there are any loose pipe connections around your pool, then they could be causing water loss from leaking joints. Tighten these pipes with adjustable wrenches and replace them if they are damaged beyond repair. When installing new lines, make sure that you use high-quality components and sealant.

3. Checking The Skimmer & Waterline

The skimmer and waterline of your pool can be prone to developing cracks or hairline fractures, which will cause the water level to drop over time. Inspect these areas regularly for any signs of damage and repair them using a patch kit or by replacing the affected area thoroughly.

4. Checking the Filter System

If you notice your filter system is not functioning correctly, it could be due to a leak in one of its components, such as a hose, valve, or pump. Check all hoses for leaks and replace them if necessary – also, look out for any tears or worn-out components in the piping, which may need replacing.

Tips On Swimming Pool Maintenance

Now that you know how to detect and repair pool leaks, it’s essential to keep up with regular maintenance to avoid such problems in the future. Here are some helpful tips on swimming pool maintenance:

  1. Clean the filter system regularly to ensure optimum performance. Remember to check for any signs of corrosion or wear-and-tear, which may indicate a leak.
  2. Check all hoses, pipes, and connections regularly for any cracks or damage that could lead to a leak.
  3. Test your water chemistry weekly and ensure it is balanced correctly. The ph levels that are too high or too low can cause structural damage to the pool over time. Ensure your swimming pool pH level is equal to 7.
  4. Inspect the lining of your pool walls frequently. Suppose you notice any bubbles, wrinkles, tears, or discoloration on the surface. In that case, this could mean a potential leak in one of its components.

Related: When Do You Need A Pool Repair Service?


In conclusion, detecting and repairing potential pool leaks is as essential soon as possible. Regular maintenance of all the components and features of a swimming pool will help ensure it is in good condition for years to come. Remember, if you suspect a leak or need more information on how to prevent them from occurring, contact your local pool service professional today! They can provide advice and solutions tailored specifically to your situation.

Install Your Inground Swimming Pool With Expert Pool Builders in Plainfield, IL

Now that you know all about pool leaks, you may consider installing a swimming pool in your backyard. Luckily for Plainfield, IL, homeowners, AsureNet is the premier swimming pool builder in the area. When it comes to complex projects like custom pools, we have the experience to get the job done right from start to finish.

Get in touch with us for a free estimate.