Sep 28, 2023

Key Takeaways:

  1. Clean and balance the pool water before winterizing for its safety and health.
  2. Add winter chemicals to keep the water clean and clear during cold months.
  3. Drain and cover the pool to prevent freezing, damage, and debris.
  4. Protect your equipment by draining and cleaning all components, storing them in dry areas, and inspecting them regularly.
  5. Perform regular maintenance during winter to prepare for spring use.
  6. When opening the pool in the spring, check the equipment, refill the water, and replace damaged parts.

Did you know there are over 10.7 million swimming pools in the United States?

As much as we love our swimming pools during the warm summer, winter is a different story. Cold temperatures, ice, and snow can wreak havoc on a pool if it’s not adequately prepared for winter. This is where winterizing your inground pool comes in.

Winterizing your inground swimming pool is crucial for protecting your investment and ensuring that it’s ready to use when the warmer weather returns. In this article, AsureNet provides expert tips on properly winterizing your inground pool, including cleaning and balancing the water, draining and covering the pool, protecting your equipment, and maintaining your pool throughout the winter season. So, let’s dive in and get your pool ready for winter!

Clean Sweep: How to Properly Clean and Balance Your Inground Swimming Pool Water

Before we learn how to winterize your inground pool, it’s essential to ensure you have a properly balanced and clean pool. A clean and well-balanced pool is essential for the health and safety of your swimming pool, so don’t skip this step! Here’s what you need to do:

1. Skim and Brush the Pool

Keep your pool crystal clear using a skimmer net to remove any leaf or bug debris on the water’s surface. Later, use a pool brush to meticulously scrub away any dirt and algae buildup along the walls and floor of the swimming area.

2. Vacuum the Pool

Use a vacuum cleaner or suction to remove dirt and debris that’s settled at the bottom of your pool. Make sure to get rid of any bits of leaves or twigs.

3. Test the Water Chemistry

Testing the water chemistry is essential for ensuring that your swimming pool is safe and healthy for swimming when winter ends, and it’s time to open up your inground pool again! Use a pool test kit to check for pH, alkalinity, calcium hardness, total dissolved solids, stabilizer levels, and other factors that affect water quality. Before you close your pool for the winter, make sure to test it at least twice a week. Doing so will ensure everything is functioning correctly and ready for next season!

4. Add Winter Chemicals

Adding winter chemicals such as algaecide, stain remover, and pool shock to your pool is important in keeping the water clean and clear throughout the cold months. The chemicals will help prevent algae growth, keep the pool clean, and ensure it’s ready for the next season. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions when adding any chemical to your pool.

Drain the Swamp: Why Drain and Cover Your Inground Swimming Pool for Winter?

In most cases, to avoid damage caused by frigid temperatures, draining a portion of the water from your inground pool before winter is essential. The amount that must be drained varies depending on the climate in your locale and the pool cover.

In freezing climates, during the winter months, lowering the pool water level is recommended. If you use a solid cover, the depth must be six inches under it; if using a mesh cover, twelve inches should suffice. If you don’t own a pool cover, contact a professional pool installer to get the right one for your pool.

Winter is Coming: Protecting Your Pool Equipment

Now that you’ve lowered the water level, it’s time to prepare your inground swimming pool equipment for wintertime. Here are some steps to follow:

1. Drain the Equipment

To ensure your pool equipment lasts, drain all filtration and pump components. Be sure to empty any lids or other parts that could collect water and freeze during cold temperatures.

2. Clean the Equipment

Dry any remaining moisture with a clean cloth before storing them for the winter. Scrub down all surfaces with a wire brush to remove dirt or debris, then treat it with an approved conditioner before storing it.

3. Store Them Properly

Once everything is cleaned and conditioned, store each removable piece of equipment in a dry area without freezing temperatures. This will help prevent corrosion and damage from occurring over the winter months.

Winter Maintenance: Don’t Let Your Guard Down

Even though your pool is closed, some maintenance is still necessary. Make sure to check the water levels regularly and add chemicals as needed. Also, periodically inspect the pool’s surrounding area for damage, debris, or leaves that may have fallen in during windy weather. It’s best to use a pool cover specifically designed for winter use, as it will prevent leaves, debris, and other items from entering your pool.

Tips For Opening The Pool In Spring

Before opening your inground swimming pool, you’ll need to ensure all the equipment is clean and functioning properly. Check all the mechanical components, such as pumps and filter systems, to ensure everything works correctly before turning them on. Additionally, you’ll need to refill any water that was lost due to evaporation during the winter months and test it for the chemical balance once again. Finally, remove any dirt and debris from the pool and replace damaged parts as needed.

Related: When Do You Need A Pool Repair Service?

To Wrap Up: Conclusion and Final Thoughts

In conclusion, your inground swimming pool needs extra care during the winter months to help prevent any damage or problems when it’s time to open it up in the spring. Clean and balance the water before freezing temperatures arrive, drain some of the water if you live in an area with heavy snowfall, protect all pool equipment from harsh weather conditions, and invest in regular maintenance for your pool. A few simple steps now can save you many headaches later on!

Winterize Your Pool Like a Pro with AsureNet Pool Covers

Don’t let winter damage your inground pool. Trust AsureNet‘s pool auto covers for reliable protection. Serving Downers Grove, IL, our top-quality covers are designed to keep debris out and prevent freezing. 

Contact us today and get a free estimate.