Jun 3, 2022

So you’ve just started building an inground custom swimming pool. Congratulations! Soon it will be time to enjoy all that your new investment offers. However, before you start diving into the deep end, avoid these nine costly mistakes homeowners make when owning a swimming pool. You need to know these before hiring someone to do the job for you!

From failing to maintain proper chemistry levels to not fencing off the area properly, making these mistakes could cost you big bucks in the long run.

So read this blog post by AsureNet – the renowned swimming pool builders in Illinois – to steer clear of the costly fines so you can enjoy your pool all season long!

Not Doing Your Homework:

Researching before you hire a swimming pool builder is essential to avoid any costly surprises down the road. Consider the cost of installation, maintenance, and repairs when considering your budget.

Skimping on Quality:

It’s important to invest in a high-quality pool if you want it to last for years. Cheap materials and inferior workmanship will only cost you more in the long run.

Not Properly Preparing The Site:

If your contractor doesn’t take the time to prepare the ground for your pool properly, you could end up with a cracked surface. It’s also a safety hazard.

Failing to Get Permits:

Building a pool without the proper permits can result in hefty fines from your local municipality.

Ignoring the Warranty:

Most reputable pool companies offer a warranty on their products and services. Be sure to read the fine print before you make any purchase to know what’s covered in case of any problems.

Neglecting to Winterize the Pool:

If your area is extremely cold in winters, it’s important to properly winterize your pool so that it doesn’t sustain any damage from the freezing temperatures.

Not Having Adequate Safety Features:

A pool should always have safety features, such as a fence or cover, to prevent accidental drownings.

Using The Wrong Chemicals:

Using the wrong chemicals in your pool can be dangerous and even cause health problems.

Not Properly Maintaining The Pool:

A pool that isn’t properly maintained can become a breeding ground for bacteria and other harmful organisms. This can cause serious health risks to anyone who swims in the pool. Regular cleaning & maintenance is essential to keeping a pool in good condition.

AsureNet is excited to serve the Wheaton community! We are inground custom swimming pool builders and specialize in making your backyard dreams a reality. We believe that every family deserves to enjoy their private oasis, and we’re dedicated to helping make that happen. We offer a wide variety of inground swimming pool styles and features, so you’re sure to find the perfect fit for your home.

Get your free estimate now!